Tactile book is meant for disabled children who can not experience pictures found in traditional childrens books. The subjects in tactile books are the same that are found in regular books, but the materials, smells, colours and functions of the touchable pictures develop childs remaining senses and motorics.

The functional tactile books (ie. Home theaters) which have movable characters, give disabled children an opportunity to get familiar with fairytales. The tactile books are versatile, but they are also durable and safe in childrens hands.


Work team "Beautiful Tactile book" makes tactile books for blind kids by order. Every book is a unique piece and suitable for all kids. The price depends on subject, size and quantity. It is impossible for us to promise you exactly similar books while all the books are handmade.

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To support production of tactile books

Because tactile books aren't produced on a regular basis, and they are only occasionally available, you can support the work!

If you'd want to support the production of tactile books, contact Sylvi Sarapuu at 044-0422967 or via e-mail sylvi.sarapuu@gmail.com and we'll find a way for you to do so. All books will be donated to the Celia - Library for the Visually Impaired or to the Sokeain Lasten Tukisäätiö – Supporting Foundation for Blind Children. The name of the supporter will be written on the front page.